Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Doggie School

Dear Fergus and Lily,

For the past two days you've been going to doggie school. I was pretty hesitant about the whole experience. I didn't want to be without you all day. I didn't want you away from home and frankly I thought I raised one puppy; I could handle you two. 

I will be the first to admit I was wrong. I dropped you off Monday and headed home to a long list of chores. It kept me busy instead of wondering what you were doing. I got a lot accomplished; mostly unpacking from the camping trip and mopping floors. For some reason my kitchen and hallway floors were covered in muddy dog paw prints! 

We picked you up at 4 and you were both so exhausted you didn't even come to greet us. Same thing today when I picked you up! The trainer gave us our homework; practice Hi. Hi is a cute simple command. I put my hand palm out towards you; you touch your nose to my hand and get a treat. Fergus got it and today it clicked in for you Lily. Fergus you pick up on everything with ease. The trained posted a video yesterday of you guys working on Come. You were running towards her in slow motion ears flying. I loved it.

Today's video showed the both of you playing with two other dogs. I was one proud Momma to see the two of you playing with other dogs instead of each other. What made it even more special was knowing this was just your second day there. Our homework tonight and for the next 4 weeks is working the command Drop It. I know it will come in handy as you guys grow up. Oh the things Maisy got in to that I wish I could have said Drop It. 

Right now we are all in my craft room. You two are playing and both have done your homework. I've done two sessions with Lily. Amazing to see the difference since yesterday. Pretty soon we'll all head to bed. Must admit I'm pretty exhausted. I was tired when you guys were home all day and now that you're gone part of the day I'm pushing to get things caught up. Tomorrow I'm going to take the morning off and do some crafting. I have a couple of scrapbook layouts I'd like to work on about the two of you. 


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